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Faculty careers are a journey and the Center for Faculty Success has resources and links to support your success at each phase of your work. Here you will find links to resources related to mentoring, promotion and advancement, and awards to celebrate faculty successes.

Mentoring Across Your Career

Department Mentoring Handbook

The Departmental Mentoring Handbook provides development and mentoring support critical to faculty success and offers mentoring resources, practices, and tools.

Download the Handbook

Inclusive Mentoring Tools

Learn all about mentorship, the importance of passing down the knowledge of experience, and learning how to engage as a mentor within the diverse community of the Rutgers–New Brunswick campus. Additionally, you’ll find a wealth of supplementary resources to enhance your mentorship experience. Everything from books, articles, vides, toolkits to research findings and more.

Explore the tools

Career Success Coaching

CFS works with Dr. Christine Kephardt who runs semester long faculty success groups and academic career coaching.

Faculty Success Groups

This fall, the Center for Faculty Success is offering a Faculty Success Community (FSC) Group aimed at faculty who have been awarded tenure and newly promoted to associate professor (within the last 3-4 years).

The FSC group, facilitated by Dr. Christine Kephart, will help faculty moving into mid-career map out their scholarly and writing goals; construct realistic weekly plans and strategize ways to overcome challenges to productivity; and discuss challenges specific to mid-career stage faculty who at this point in their careers begin to expand their responsibilities toward leadership roles. This is part of an effort in the Center for Faculty Success to begin focusing on mid-career faculty.

The group will be held weekly each Friday, September 27 through Friday, November 22, 2024 from 9 -10 am via Zoom.


Career Advancement FAQs

Promotion of Full-Time Faculty

Explore university guidance about tenure and promotion for non-tenure track and tenure line faculty, including library and cooperative extension faculty.

Learn more about promotions, appointment, and reappointments

Advancement and Professional Development for Lecturers

Find more information about the advancement process for lecturers and also about professional development funds that can be used for research or teaching materials (including computer needs), conference expenses, workshops that are connected to the work you do as a lecturer.

Explore lecturer resources

Labor Contracts for Faculty

View the collective agreements between the university and the unions representing Rutgers faculty members, teaching and graduate assistants, post-doctoral associates and fellows, housestaff, part-time lecturers, and Winter/Summer Instructors.

Review the agreements

Faculty Satisfaction Survey

The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) inaugural survey was designed to identify areas of strength and concern to inform decisions as we assess needs and work to improve key areas that are critical to faculty success. The survey provides actionable data which will be used as a baseline to measure change. This set of analyses will be updated with new 2023 data.

View the survey results